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Pat McReynolds
Experience & Activities
Meet Pat! Pat serves on the Wapello County Children’s Alliance Executive Board as the current Board Chair. The Children’s Alliance applied for and received the Iowa Child Abuse Prevention Programs (ICAPP) funds award to get the Resilient Communities project up and running. Pat has been working towards building community awareness of prevention services and resiliency in our community as both a community leader and service provider through her work via Early Childhood Iowa over the past 20 years. She is currently the Area Director of the Mahaska/Wapello Early Childhood Iowa Area (since 2009). Pat is excited about the Resilient Communities project’s intent and ability to lead Ottumwa and Wapello County into extended quality relationships for all families, children, businesses, agencies, churches, organizations, and government as we learn and work together to support and strengthen our community resiliency. Resiliency is the process of managing stress and functioning well even when faced with challenges, adversity and trauma. Parental resilience is a process that all parents need in order to effectively manage stressful situations and help ensure they and their families are on a trajectory of healthy, positive outcomes.