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Megan Logan
Experience & Activities
I am Megan Logan and I work at South Central Behavioral Health Region as the Children’s Care Coordinator for Appanoose, Davis, Mahaska and Wapello counties. My position provides social work with a heavy emphasis on care coordination for children we serve, technical assistance to the community, and system building within the scope of issues of mental and behavioral health pertaining to children. I also am working on partnering with stakeholders to address the gaps and making services accessible for the children in our region.
I have a background in children’s services in a variety of capacities dating back to 2012 including Family Centered Services pertaining to child welfare and ensuring the safety of the children, juvenile residential treatment, and crisis and advocacy services.
I am invested in the Resilient Communities of Wapello County Project to provide more resources and support to those in our community. Also, to help make this community thrive and become a role model for other communities.
“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” – Albus Dumbledore