We all have a role in preventing ACEs
Research shows that when we have positive experiences in childhood, such as caring adult relationships and connections to the community, we can reduce the likelihood of poor outcomes even if adversity occurs.
Adverse childhood experiences – commonly known as ACEs – affect children and families across all communities.
ACEs can impact the health and well-being of children. They can have long-term effects on adult health and wellness. Their consequences can affect families, communities, and even society. Thankfully, ACEs are preventable.
Working together we can assure safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments for every child.
Use this page to identify your role and action steps you can take!

Find Your Role & Action Steps

Loving Parent
- Learn about healthy child development
- Ask for help when needed
- Reach out to your personal support network to give and get support
- Practice self-care
- Strengthen connections, resilience, and factors that strengthen your family
- Ensure babies sleep on their backs in their own space
- Foster a child
- Support youth in ways that promote healthy development and well-being

Supportive Friend
- Check in on your parent friends and be the one they reach out to
- Be a good listener and give support
- Offer to babysit for a parent’s needed night out
- Be a role model or mentor for your friends’ children

Caring Neighbor
- Get to know families where you live — both adults and children
- Reduce isolation by hosting a neighborhood family event
- Watch out for each other
- Provide dinner or do yard work for a neighbor in need
- Offer transportation when needed
- Support your neighborhood schools

Kind Coworker
- Listen to your colleagues who are parents
- Take breaks and have lunch together
- Look for signs of depression and encourage parents to seek help

Model Mentor
- Help young people find and reach their goals
- Volunteer with local youth-serving organizations
- Tutor a child in a subject they need help
- Sign up to read to children at the library
- Be the trusted adult who children need outside their family

Empathetic Educator
- Show you care by asking how children are doing and feeling
- Follow up if something seems wrong
- Discuss tough topics like bullying and stress
- Stay connected with parents and caregiver
- Foster a strong community in school. Ottumwa | Cardinal | Eddyville/Blakesburg

Aware Young Person
- Model caring and compassion for peers and youth
- Offer support to young people without judgment
- Intervene safely when you see someone being treated badly
- Know school resources and trusted adults to connect others with
- Connect peers in need with support that’s inclusive
- Find your own mentor and pass along what you learn
- Sign up to be a peer tutor

Nurturing Faith Community
- Be a role model to families
- Provide parenting and healthy family classes
- Offer your space for parent and youth activities
- Provide specific support for those with additional needs
- Organize a community activity for National Child Abuse Prevention Awareness Month in April

Trusted Business Leader
- Promote a culture of parent support
- Offer flex time so parents can enjoy their child’s activities
- Help with workload for parents returning to work
- Provide parenting resources for all employees with children
- Host a Parent Café : Contact us at [email protected]
- Promote workplace safety
- Provide maternity and paternity leave to all new parents
- Offer child care assistance

Connected Parent Leader
- Represent parent voice on a Parent Leadership Committee
- Advocate for children’s or families’ rights
- Volunteer for the local PTA/PTO
Represent families on the Superintendent’s Parent Advisory Council - Partner with the Iowa Child Advocacy Board to improve outcomes for children in the welfare system.
- Host a Parent Café : Contact us at [email protected]